CPMTI and CITEC participate in WeTakeCare European project
Escrito porCG
CPMTI and CITEC participate in the European project WeTakeCare, a European initiative to improve the quality of life of the elderly and their carers
UCO SCIENCE. Two anti-cancer components found in Ambrosia arborescens
Escrito porA mathematical method to better allocate donated livers in transplantations
Escrito porSINC agency
Researchers at the University of Córdoba have developed a system that measures compatibility between donors and severely ill recipients in liver transplants. This mathematical method integrates experience from nearly 1,500 registered donations in transplant units in Spain and the UK.
Simplifying packaging to minimize risk of food poisoning
Escrito porSimple design and reduced use of inks. Two simple instructions that could enhance food security and which are the basis for a new design system for food packaging proposed by Mercedes Gallego, researcher at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the University of Córdoba and the Agrifood Campus of International Excellence ceiA3. This method is based on a study on the transfer of package components to food
7 million euros funds for 6 technology development projects of the University of Cordoba
Escrito porG.C-E.L.
Six research teams of the University of Cordoba and the Agrifood Campus of International Excellence ceiA3 are participating in six technology development projects promoted by Interconnecta program of the Centre for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI), funded by the European Union, with a total funding of more than 7 million EUR. The aim is to search for technological solutions in strategic markets such as agrofood and artificial intelligence.
A new method to characterize pathogen contamination in pork meat
Escrito porFundación Descubre
This technique, based on mathematical calculations, enables definition of optimal storage temperature for these products, with the aim to avoid appearance and development of microorganisms such as Salmonella or Listeria monocytogenes.