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La UCO con Ucrania

Paz y Libertad para Ucrania

Peace and Freedom for Ukraine

Мир и свободу Украине

La UCO con Ucrania

UCOPress avanza al nivel 2 del Programa Trébol

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Library and Information Science

11,72 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at Catálogo del archivo del seminario de San Pelagio de Córdoba
9,86 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at Impresos anteriores a 1801 en la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Veterinaria de Córdoba
4,55 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at Catálogo sigilográfico del Archivo Municipal de Córdoba: I: Sellos pendientes
9,01 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at Obras de interés médico en la Biblioteca Pública de Córdoba (anteriores a 1900)
9,62 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at Judíos de Castilla (siglos XIV-XV). Documentos del archivo de los Duques de Frías
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9,01 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at Códice diplomático procesal del monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos (1346). Estudio codicológico, paleográfico, diplomático y edición
13,22 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at Materiales para la historia económica de Córdoba del Archivo Histórico Provincial (siglos XIXXX)
9,01 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at Catálogo de monografías del siglo XIX en la biblioteca de la Facultad de Veterinaria y Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos de Córdoba
13,52 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at Libro de Lo Salvado
15,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at Las Alpujarras a principios del Siglo XVII: El manuscrito Domecq-Zurita de 1605
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14,00 € each (national shipping costs included and for orders outside of Spain, consult before paying and placing the order at Enrique Vaca de Alfaro (1635-1685): semblanza, biblioteca médico-humanistica y cultura bibliografica
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